RIDGEFIELD PILATES Owner Greg Herzog has Trademarked a New Pilates Method for Men, Women and High School Athletes
Greg Herzog is the founder of AXIS CORE® PILATES and has been a pioneer in the Health and Fitness business for over two decades, recognized as one of the top professional trainer's and conditioning coaches in America. He has been a celebrity trainer to Naomi Campbell, Harvey Keitel, David Geffen and Neil Sedaka to name a few. As a world class track and field athlete, Greg broke the 4-minute mile in 1983 and was ranked 30th in the world, among U.S. additions.
He has been personally trained by Arthur Jones, the creator of Nautilus, and has brought High Intensity Strength and Interval Training, used by professional athletes like the Washington Redskins, Houston Texans and Olympic athletes to another level, with AXIS CORE® Pilates™, using a target weight, perfect cadence, proper breathing and muscle control for the perfect repetition, set and thus workout.
The AXIS CORE® PILATES™ concept is an integrated, comprehensive system of mental, physical, emotional and nutritional conditioning, which Greg has trademarked as "AXIS CORE® PILATES™.
AXIS CORE® PILATES™ focuses attention on core postural muscles that help keep the human body balanced and provide support for the spine. The AXIS CORE® PILATES exercises also teach awareness of breath and of alignment of the spine and strengthen the deep torso and abdominal muscles. Herzog's has engineered all the exercises, specifications, and tuning required for a balanced and efficient body
Herzog was originally a former sub 4-minute miler and aerobic conditioning advocate in his earlier years of competition. Then he had to stop running, due to the fact that he was diagnosed by Dr. Alcheck, at the Hospital of Special Surgery, as having no cartilage in either knee. When seeing the X-rays, Dr. Alcheck remarked "If I didn't see you sitting over there, I would say these are x-rays of someone that can't walk".
In addition, Greg had a curvature of the spine, along with flat feet that affected his entire body. Therefore, he became a huge structural functional fitness advocate after not only living with all of his frailties, but also developing a chronic back problem due to a bent left leg. Today, twenty-two years later, Greg is walking and no longer has back pain due to his AXIS CORE® PILATES™ training, without undergoing surgery.
Greg has studied every form of exercise training, with over two decades of research and analysis. He has come to understand that structural imbalances in the body lay at the root of poor health. He devised a series of AXIS CORE® PILATES™ training exercise techniques to increase strength, balance and efficiency using his (MMM)™ Muscle Maximization Method which is an all-encompassing fitness method that includes Power, Strength and Endurance and is both an Aerobic and Anaerobic technique, for the most complete training program.
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Or call (203) 240-4020